Meet Bean Beanland, star of Happy Heat Pumps

Bean Beanland features on Evan Davis's podcast Happy Heat Pumps as the resident expert because Bean knows all you could ever want to know about heat pumps. And you can tell Bean what you want him to tell the govt about home heating too, because he's someone they listen to. Meet Bean on Wednesday 5 March 2025 (6.30-9.30 pm) at the OneClimate Centre

What is The Mycelium Map?

What is the Mycelium Map - Chilterns? The Mycelium Map connects…

Coming Soon – The Mycelium Map

In May this year our latest project goes live - the Mycelium…

Who Votes for Climate?

An Empathy Media documentary telling the story of the launch…

Come Gleaning

A new twist on an old idea going back more than two thousand…

Optimising an All-electric House

One UK family's experience of 5 ways that work beautifully together…

Our Top Climate Documentaries

The Energy Internet Governments are pouring trillions of dollars…

Key Metric Campaign

Campainging for our Planet's Life and Death Metric To achieve…

Mosaic Earth

Mosaic Earth The Earth from space looks beautiful – but look…

Meaning It – COP26 without the blah, blah, blah

Throughout the fortnight in November 2021 in Glasgow, Anuradha…

International Climate Conferences Without Flying

Year after year the UN Climate Conferences, the COPs, face the…

Close Encounter with Another Being

Still going viral! More than 4 million views now on Facebook…


#MyBbitYourBit This will be your chance to influence the vital…

Building Back a Greener Future

A new initiative from the Climate Parliament - running virtual…

Empathy Media Live with XR

This week we are attempting close to all-day live coverage of…

Empathy Media Live with XR

This week we have been attempting close to all-day live coverage…

Empathy Media Live with XR

This week we have been attempting close to all-day live coverage…

Deep Time Walk in Hedgerley Wood

If you have ever been on the Deep Time Walk, you will know what…

Memorial for Life

Token children's coffins in the street, songs of lamentation,…

Brixton Facing Global Ecocide. A resounding…

Everything you wanted to know about electric cars

Are EVs right for you? And are they right for the environment? A…

Holy Rebels

Should Christians, including clergy, be breaking the law as…

Climate Protest on Trial

Ruth Jarman of Christian Climate Action goes on trial at Hendon…

10 Tips for Reporters

Daniel Nelson, long-time international journalist and News Editor…

Electric at last

Eleven years ago as part of our greening campaign we started…

To Boo’s Bluebell Wood

The sixth Spring. Thanks…

Energy Internet

Is this an answer to global warming that we're missing? What…

The Seed Beneath the Snow

What do you make of this? The topic could hardly be more urgent:…

The Sea of Faith – the Quest Continues

This is the story of how the original television series presented…

What not to say to someone bereaved by suicide (and what to try instead)

Supporting someone bereaved by suicide is really difficult. It’s…

Oceans of Plastic

A summer evening with the Green Drinks crowd at Long Crendon,…

Green Drinks Group Talks Electric Cars

Green Drinks is a group that meets in the Oxfordshire/Bucks borders…

Empathy meets VR

Looks fascinating - more here.

Marching Against Racism

We joined a march of tens of thousands of people of all backgrounds…

A Life in the Borderlands

Chris Robertson in conversation Anuradha Vittachi. https://…

Snow Drone

First snow in Hedgerley wood after ages. Come for a day and now…

Flying above Washfield

A beautiful day above the village of Washfield in Devon. Filmed…

Lovely Fragment of Chopin’s Fantasie Impromptu

Seb Naidoo on our Steinway upright in an informal evening in…

Managing Fossil Fuel Decline

Barry Gardiner MP, Shadow Secretary of State for International…

Natalie Bennett’s Message Concertina’d

At a time of unprecedented political turmoil, Natalie Bennett…

An Evening with Natalie Bennett

At a time of unprecedented political turmoil, Natalie Bennett…

The Psychology of Climate Action

London November 2016: the Climate Psychology Alliance held a…

Green Party Conference 2016

Dr Franny Armstrong

Exeter Cathedral October 2016 at the Open University Degree Ceremony…

Green Drinks at Hedgerley Wood

On 9th September 2016, 24 environmentalists from neighbouring…

Composer and Violinist Iona Vallance in Performance

Iona Vallance accompanied by her father Colin Vallance at the…

Climate Justice for the Philippines

Lydinyda Nacpil in conversation with Anuradha Vittachi 2015.…

Don Cupitt’s Religious Journey

One of Britain's most interesting - and controversial - philosophers…

Politics and the Media

The writer and political satirist Armando Iannucci in conversation…

Unearthly Music

In one of the last interviews Yehudi Menuhin spoke to Fr. Laurence…

Is Facebook anti-empathy?

Important for our empathy debate: The United States ambassador…

Yes to Life – the cancer revolution

Suddenly immunotherapy (looking to the body’s own immune system…

Spring Walk 2016

Walking with Ben around Hedgerley wood.…

Dr. Lucie Wilk Live at TedX Aylesbury

Dr. Lucie Wilk, argued that how we feel about ourselves, and…

Grace Quantock at TedX Aylesbury 2015

Grace Quantock, is many things: an entrepreneur, author, speaker…

Roy Bailey Live at TedX Aylesbury

At the 2015 TedX Aylesbury event, Roy Bailey talked about his…

TEDx Aylesbury – Compilation

A taster of all the speakers at this memorable 2015 event. …

Patrick Lacey – the story of a remarkable life

as told by Anuradha Vittachi at the June 2015 Memorial Servi…

Christmas Message

A moving installation above the congregation at St James Piccadilly…

Remembering Patricia Lacey

The unforgettable Patricia Lacey - friends' favourite storie…

Climate Health Check

Why the 'old story' of climate change must remain the new story,…

Sheryl Sandberg on more real philanthropy

Speaking at the Full Circle philanthropy conference in San Francisco,…

We called it ‘ecoCasting’

We were excited in the noughties about the power of livestreaming.…

Mosaic Earth Backstory

“It’s possible to develop a sustainable future for this planet, but…

The Power of the Hut

Psychotherapist Chris Robertson reflects on spaces of healing…

Walking to Boo

Bluebell Wood, at the top of Hedgerley Wood, is where Boo Armstrong…

Age of Stupid – The Build Up

It's eight years since the launch of The Age of Stupid. Here's…

A Moment of History

12th December 2015, when the historic Paris agreement on climate…

Oxford’s Refugee Welcome

September 6th 2015, saw a remarkable demonstration calling for…

British boxing champ takes on Anuradha – in the ring and on climate change

Chris Fensom, who was crowned British Light Heavyweight (MMA)…

Mosaic Earth

Mosaic Earth Voices ringing out from all over the world mandating…

Freshwater: The Real Meaning of Rain

MYTH: There’s so much rain and ocean, you can’t suffer…

The dreadful cost of flying

MYTH: Since flying is responsible for only 5 percent of carbon…

Greening of Hedgerley

The Passion behind the Project The reason for doing all this…

Hedgerley Wood Trust

Our charity on the health of the planet and its people in memory…

Word Pictures

Our indie media production company…


To help you stop climate change…

Healthy Planet Healthy People

Medical student, Isobel Braithwaite, sets out to discover the…

A Blue Plaque for Boo Armstrong

Friends and family gathered three years after Boo’s death,…

Danny Dorling on Inequality

Professor Danny Dorling, University of Oxford, offering a tour…

TEDx Aylesbury

Great speakers like Shappi Khorsandi grearing up for May 9th…

Clean Energy for All

The most effective gamechanger in the struggle against dangerous…

A Modest Enlightenment

Harald Löffel is an most unusual man who has developed a way…

How to make Mental Health services sustainable

Dr. Daniel Maughan, the inspirational Sustainability Fellow at…

The Psychology of Climate Change Denial

Dr. Judith Anderson speaking in 2014 at the Royal College of…

How Can Mental Health Services be Sustainable?

In October 2014 the Royal College of Psychiatrists held their…

The One and Only

To mark the second anniversary of her death, we've put together…

Doctors as Climate Advocates

In was right on mission for the Hedgerley Wood Trust when we…

‘Ferocious Tenderness’ – with Jay Griffiths

In a powerful presentation the author of 'Wild' takes us to the…

Radical Hope and Cultural Tragedy

Chris Johnstone was speaking at the 2015 meeting of the Climate…

High Octane Singers at Hedgerley Wood Trust event

August 2014 saw an audience in the amphitheatre at Hedgerley…

This is my neighbour, this is my lover, this is my friend

A very powerful and moving piece at this year's Migrant Voice…

Migration – what’s all the fuss about?

I'm not a big fan of panel discussions, but this one at the 2014…

Nature’s own greening

18 months at Hedgerley Wood.

Buying with a Conscience

This live panel discussion brings together leading researchers…

High above the Sussex Downs

The new Phantom Vision 2+ put through its paces with friends…

Human Rights – the Perennial Struggle

In December 2013 Anuradha Vittachi was invited to share her vision…

5 Steps to Save the Planet

Short, pithy and persuasive - the charismatic Simon Maxwell makes…

The Real Cost of Healthcare

At the recent Cleanmed conference in Oxford, we were shocked…