Entries by admin

Open Knowledge Network

The Open Knowledge Network was an ambitious project launched by OneWorld in 2002. It was before mobile phones were widely available and offered what was in effect a social network between villages in India and Africa. it had some startling successes in communicating life-saving information – for example to fishermen at sea, or, in one […]

Hyper local food

Disappointingly our local organic fruit and veg company in Thame has closed down. Apparently there just wasn’t enough demand for their box delivery service. Such a pity – I’m sure demand will increase as the food miles message reaches these parts. So it’s back to the vegetable patch with some great help from the family. […]

Annual Energy Savings

October marked the end of the first year with the heat pump and the other energy saving measures we have put in place. The results are very interesting and to some extent surprising. We can look at them in a number of different ways. Our baseline was 2004 when our heating oil cost £2,431 and […]

Stern Review – from the horse’s mouth

A fun evening at the LSE. It was an open meeting to hear Sir Nicholas present his report and answer questions. But it proved so popular that half an hour before hundreds of people were turned away. Luckily I was offered a press place and was able to film the whole event. We can watch […]

An Ill Wind

A full year after we first enquired about getting a wind turbine for Hedgerley Wood from Windsave the man finally arrived to survey the site. His first conclusion was that there was no way we would get enough wind speed, given how the house is surrounded by trees. He said that the predominent wind direction […]

Better Offsets

I’ve been recommended an alternative company for offsets – Climate Care. It certainly works very cleanly and efficiently and apppears to have an excellent rosta of projects that the money goes to. The only oddity I still find is the ludicrously low price of carbon. I was forced to take a flight to Amsterdam last […]

Heat Pump Latest Running Costs

Now after ten months of operation and a lot of adjustments, we are getting a clearer idea of the running costs in terms of increased electricity. The base case, before the heat pump started running on October 12th 2005, was that the house was using an average of 20 units (kWhs) of high cost plus […]

Yet more insulation

Before next winter we want to try and improve the performance, and cost, of the ground heat pump system. So one clear step was to put in more insulation. Because of the strange way the house was built in the 30s, this means taking off the clapboard and fitting insultation between the timbers. We’ll see […]

Which MP talks about “Climate Change” most?

David Heath, OneWorld CMS expert, has just sent me a delightful and very useful online widget he’s developed. It’s for the democracy site, TheyWorkForYou, and it lets you see which MPs have used which words or phrases in the last five years – and how many times. Brilliant.

Pylon Power

Has anyone thought of putting medium size wind turbines on electricity pylons? Obvious advantages: – the most expensive bit is already there – objections to the tower being there can’t be raised – the wiring could presumably be easily be modified to move the electricity. Disadvantage: – could only carry medium sized turbines because of […]

Offsite Generation

I was discussing with Franny whether it was practical to think of building a wind turbine at the top of the wood in Hedgerley. The problem is that is would have to be really high to clear the trees – or we would have to clear a lot of trees, which we don’t want to […]

Great Gadgets

Two new gadgets are proving very useful. The Cent-a-meter which we bought from Electrisave is a way to monitor our total electricity use in real time. The sensor clips onto a cable in the meter box and a read-out in a nearby room shows how much current is being used at any moment. The display […]

COIN Meeting in Oxford

A very interesting meeting organisaed by COIN in Oxford Town Hall on April 4th. I particularly liked the emergent way the meeting was organised with themes and leadership emerging from the participants. I learned a lot about the importance of commitments being made by many local councils. Many have signed the Nottingham Declaration. Woking has […]

Re-setting the heat pump

It’s become clear from monitoring electricity use over the 3 months that the heat pump has been running that it is using far too much current. Today Dave Greenwood, who first introduced me to the idea of heat pumps, came out to find out what was wrong with the set-up. The main issues turned out […]

CO2 Emissions – UK Stats

A really graphic chart of the comparative figures on CO2 emissions from the different UK sources from the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory. It doesn’t include air transport, but does show the huge effect of road transport, as well as the fact that domestic has declined much less than industrial combustion since 1980 and is now […]