Saving the NHS £1 Billion?

That's the surprising claim made in a film we've just completed…

Clash of the Greens

At a time when the urgency of tackling climate change is greater…

OneClimate Island

At OneWorld we were early adopters of Second Life - not for the…

Open Knowledge Network

The Open Knowledge Network was an ambitious project launched…

Daughter of Liberty

The inspiring story of Maria Elena Moyano's fight for women's…

The Poor Pay More

Why do poor people stay poor? This is one clear answer in a great…

With the Dalai Lama

Anuradha Vittachi had a fascinating conversation with the Dalai…

After Charity

A Word Pictures film for BBC Everyman by Anuradha Vittachi and…

Robert of Canterbury

Robert Runcie's first year as Archbishop of Canterbury. BBC Everyman…