Entries by admin

Saving the NHS £1 Billion?

That’s the surprising claim made in a film we’ve just completed for the Centre for Sustainable Healthcare in Oxford to be shown at next week’s CleanMed conference. They’ve been pioneering new initiatives in sustainability, starting with kidney treatments and extending to other specialties like mental health.

Saving Water

A great example of what can be done, put together by nephew David Turnbull in his house in Swanage. He’s installed two 500 litre tanks under his raised garage to collect water from the roof of the house. Then the water is fed automatically into the house for showers, washing machine etc.     It’s such […]

Clash of the Greens

At a time when the urgency of tackling climate change is greater than ever, some environmentalists are thinking what was unthinkable – that we should now rely on nuclear power. Mark Lynas has a new feature film coming out, Pandora’s Promise, that aims to make the case with the public that our ideas about nuclear […]

Green Biking

Big excitement with the first trip (in freezing weather) on the new electric bike – a brilliant 70th birthday present from the family. We’ve always wanted to cycle more – for reasons of carbon, cash, exercise and sheer enjoyment of the countryside around Hedgerley. But the really steep hills in every direction have always defeated […]

Saluting New Internationalist

So New Internationalist is celebrating its 40th anniversary. It’s extraordinary how this upstart student magazine of the 1970s became so quickly a must-read for anyone concerned to understand the real state of the world and campaign for global justice. In the 40th Anniversary edition the original visionary who founded New Internationalist, Peter Adamson, looks at […]

It’s Green but not much of a Deal

    An interesting evening at the Chinnor village centre for our local Friends of Earth meeting on the Green Deal. The pros and cons were carefully explained, but I came away disappointed. The key idea is to offer people a deal they can’t reasonably refuse – why not improve the energy efficiency of your […]

Million Women Rising

Great day in London for the 2013 Million Women Rise march. The message was “together we can end male violence against women” and the mood was really feisty. We built our video coverage around Anuradha’s reflections on the meaning of the day, with her conclusion that “women aren’t asking in these marches for anything special […]

The Corrosion of Inequality

Just watched a very powerful info-graphic of the unbelievable trend in wealth distribution in the US – a situation that’s apparently unbelievable to the American public as well. “1% of America has 40% of all the nation’s wealth. The bottom 80% – 8 out of every 10 people – only has 7% between them.” Which […]

Jo and Harry’s Story

This week sees the launch of a powerful new feature film, Mary and Martha. The creation of Richard Curtis, best known for great comedies like Blackadder, it’s the story of two mothers brought together by the shared personal tragedy of malaria. It’s to be broadcast on BBC1 on Friday 1st March at 8.30 pm. But behind […]

Malaria No More!

‘Malaria No More’ is not a dream, it’s the goal of a campaign highlighted this week by the launch of a powerful new feature film, Mary and Martha. The creation of Richard Curtis, best known for great comedies like Blackadder, it’s the story of two mothers brought together by the shared personal tragedy of malaria. […]

Fuel Friends

With the weather really cold this February and trying to save on the electricity running the heat pump, we’ve been using the wood-burning stoves more. But the logs were getting low. Now it’s been friends to the rescue. Carol Brown with her chainsaw and trained woodswoman skills has cut up a fallen tree.   And […]

Quite a Party

Celebrating OneWorld’s 18th Birthday on 24th January 2013. And at the same time marking the stepping down of Anuradha Vittachi and Peter Armstrong as executive directors. The event kicked off with a video look-back – 18 years in 18 minutes – tracing OneWorld’s journey from the faltering earliest days of the fledgling Web to today’s […]